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On Meditations

Updated: Feb 25, 2020

Meditation and yoga are two of the most helpful activities to reach mindfulness and inner peace. The beautiful thing of these mediums is their versatility, and how they can be performed in multiple ways.

You can use apps, like Headspace to meditate with a guide, or listen to podcasts on Spotify or YouTube to set the mood. Some people listen to music, ASMR, sounds of nature, or the simple sound of silence. This is something that varies from person to person, so whenever you have some free time, even a few minutes, experiment with these mediums until you find the one that works best for you.

I recommend a few techniques:

Firstly, the relaxed breathing technique, also known as 4 7 8.

It consists on inhaling for four seconds, holding it in for seven seconds and exhaling for eight seconds. This is the most efficient technique to achieve relaxation and prepare to meditate or do yoga.

When getting ready to do any of those activities, you need to let go of all the thoughts that are weighing you down. This is the most difficult step to most people. My trick is to let those thoughts be. Don't force them to leave, instead focus on your breathing, the sounds of your surroundings and the weight of your body, until your thoughts start to sink into oblivion.

Turn off your device for a few minutes and try this out, GO!


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